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A better day

Hey everyone,

So today has been a better day. I woke up refreshed and ready to be productive. I thank you all for your prayers and comments. You don't know how much that means to both Taylor and I. When I receive them it just brings me back to that warm place of knowing there are many people out there praying for us. Even though it has almost been a year you haven't forgotten and that means the world. To all the people out there that have sent me messages that I have never met.......WOW...... I am tearing up right now just thinking about how special that is. God has brought so many wonderful people into our lives that we never would have known and for that I am so grateful.

I went in for my weekly acupuncture this morning. It was really nice and relaxing. I am trying to keep my stress down to a minimum right now and I have to say that is easier said than done. We are still also going to the fertility clinic and will be able to take a test on Monday the 21st. I have so many mixed emotions about it all. I know next week is going to be extra hard with Mamie's 1st birthday being on Friday. Crazy how this all fell in the same week. God has great things in store for us I know. If you have any room for some extra prayers we could really use it next week.

I am off to get some work done before my photo session tonight. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Stay cool!



  1. Girl - Mamie's sweet face at the top of your blog brings me tears each time I see her, so I can not imagine what all you've got going on in your heart and mind, but I do know that as you stated yourself - God is there. He's right there and his mercies are made new every morning. "Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning". I know you've seen this very scripture come to fruition in your own life especially this past year and have found your rest and peace there. That is such a testimony Sarah - that you keep leaning into the arms of God and trusting in His plan! Prayers are said for you each time you come to mind which is more often than you would think! God takes care of his children --- those already with him in heaven and those left to carry on His plan on this Earth!!! He's near and I pray you hear a whisper form Him in a very special way today Sarah.....just to remind you that He's right there. :)

  2. Love you and I cannot tell you how happy I am to have read this today! It's okay to have days like yesterday, and it honestly won't be your last bad day, but knowing that today was a new day...I know that God has a plan for you, as he does for all of us. I hate that you have days like yesterday, but I do know them well, and want you to know that they do get less and less frequent. Love you so much and am keeping you in my heart and prayers these next few weeks.

  3. Thinking of you sweet Sarah! And I'm glad you are having a better are always in my thoughts and prayers :)

  4. Sarah, I found your blog through a chain of blogs…and I cant tell you enough how much my heart goes out to you. You are a brave woman. A strong woman. My prayers for you and Taylor the next few weeks.

  5. Praying for you tonight. Imagining your anxious heart about Monday and the next week ahead. I feel like our journeys are so closely knit together and you are so right in your confidence that GOD does have GREAT things in store;) Praying for a peace that transcends understanding and praying for GOD'S reminder of His faithfulness. You are never alone, even in the quietness of your heartache, HE sees and hears. Love you girl....

  6. Thinking about you today.


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