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It is the end of April and I really can't believe how fast the months have passed us by. From what I told you in an earlier post Taylor and I have been given the okay to try for another baby. Month after month has been really hard when it just doesn't happen. I keep telling myself that God has a plan for us. I believe that he will bless us with another baby but I know it will be on his time not mine. I am still going to my weekly acupuncture which I absolutely love. She calms me. We have also started a new journey. Last month we were sent to the fertility doctor. They are hoping to get my body on a normal cycle which I have never had in my life. The beginning process was pretty emotional for me. I just didn't understand why I was having to go through more testing. We know we can get pregnant. My body just needed a little help. The whole experience is not what I expected. The clinic is pretty cold and sterile. I am not saying that they aren't nice it is just different. I feel like I am just another number there. I have been put on a low dose of clomid. I have been very nervous about the drug. I'm not big on taking medicine in the first place and I have heard how it can make you feel crazy. Last month was not bad at all. I really felt fine. I mean I am emotional already thinking of Mamie but I didn't notice an increase of sad emotions. We are trucking along and keeping our faith. I got my devotional this morning and I wanted to share it with you all.
The title was "Don't Give Up"

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10: 35-36, NIV).

Do you sometimes get discouraged? You’ve worked and prayed for so long and nothing much seems to be happening. Frankly, you’re fed up with waiting. I know the feeling. One day as I was looking at a promise highlighted in my Bible, I grumbled, “Lord Jesus, You gave me that promise years ago and nothing has happened yet.”

Then a cheerful thought came to me, you’re that much closer to the answer then.

All God’s heroes experienced long waiting periods. Abraham went through thirteen years of silence before the fulfillment of a promise from God. His son Isaac waited twenty years for Rebecca to have children. Moses’ vision of delivering his people from Egyptian bondage lay buried forty years in the desert. And I could go on. Those years of silence were a time of discipline, not of displeasure. Wait periods give us an opportunity to grow our faith.

Faith knows of a certainty that God has His moment and in that precise given time everything yields to his will.

If faith comes to a closed gate, she is not disheartened; faith waits without until God touches the lock and it flies open.

Faith knows some Jericho’s need to be compassed about seven times before the victory comes. Kathryn Kuhlman

The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep running. They are the ones who receive the prize.

Dear God, give me the strength and the faith to persevere to the end. Amen.

Reading this devotional this morning made me realize that my faith is only growing stronger as we wait. God does hears our prayers and in time he will answer.



  1. I found your blog through Kelly's Korner I think it was almost a year ago. I just wanted you to know I've been praying for you. Also I wanted you to know I took Clomid with my first and I was worried as well about what it would do. It was fine and it helped me get pregnant. Try and stay positive and hold your head up! God will not fail you!

  2. Thanks Morgan for your encouraging words and prayers.

  3. Sarah most monings I pray that I might be a blessing to someone today. You are my blessing today and many days. You courage, strength, and faith-God will bless you. Mom

  4. You can do it girl! I took Clomid for 3 months to get pregnant with my third and her and I are both healthy :) Praying for you. I know how hard the wait can be, especially after a loss.

  5. After our 2 year "wait" for Silas and the impatience that set in during that time I am amazed by your spirit and faith in all that you have been through. Love you.

  6. I am praying that God will answer your prayers soon! Your faith is so inspiring :)

  7. Hi Sarah, I too am trying to get pregnant and doing acupuncture, love it. Wanted to throw out there the idea of Mayan Uterine Massage in conjunction with the acupuncture. There's a lot of evidence out there that really supports it. Good luck to you and your family. You are in my prayers. Sarah Lair


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