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Leaving it in God's hands

Taylor and I have been given the okay to try and get pregnant again. I haven't blogged about it because I really wasn't sure I wanted everyone to know. I remember everyone saying how fertile you are after you have a baby and how most people get pregnant quickly. It has been 4 months now and I have really been struggling with all of this. I guess I had it in my head that God wouldn't make us wait very long after all the pain we have gone through.
For those of you who don't know it took us right around a year to get pregnant with Mamie. I am not big into taking drugs. Not that I think it is bad for people to take medicine. It just isn't for me. My mom found out about this book called "The Infertility Cure" written by
Randine Lewis, Ph.D. You can click on the book and it will link to a book store.
We ran out and got the book and I began interviewing acupuncturist. I found a wonderful lady Dr. Lei at Shie Ji Acupuncture Clinic. She is an amazing woman. Not only is she NCCAOM certified in Acupuncture and herbs but she was an OBGYN in China. After 2 months of going to her and taking her herbs we were pregnant with Mamie. Just a little history on me. I had really long cycles. Long meaning 65 days. Dr. Lei got me to 45 that first month and then the next month I was pregnant. We were so happy. I continued going to her for my first trimester. But then I quit and I really regret doing that.
So here we are today. I am back with Dr. Lei once a week. I love going to see her. She calms me and helps me focus on getting my body healthy. I plan on going to her through out my next pregnancy. She has been working on my stress, circulation and infertility.
I am having a hard time because I am trying not to let this whole getting pregnant thing consume my every thought. It is frustrating because we shouldn't even being doing this. We should have our 7 month old daughter here and not even be thinking about having another baby right now. I pray to God everyday to calm my heart. I know He has a plan and I need to leave it in His hands. Last week in Sunday school we talked about how we as humans want to be in control. We get this plan in our head of how we want things to go in our lives. That just isn't the way it works. God has our lives planned out and we need to live everyday praising Him and leave it in His hands. That's really hard because I know I always want to be in control. I wish sometimes my plans were also His plans ya know. Having another baby is going to be extremely emotional for us. Everyday will be extremely hard but that is when we will have to put our faith in God that it will all work out. Know for those of you that are wondering. We will never forget about Mamie and having another baby will NEVER replace her. She will forever be apart of our lives and her siblings to come will all know about their big sister. We just long for another baby. One that we can have here on earth with us. We know we will see Mamie again and she would never want us to give up on having more children.
Anyway I am rambling on. I just wanted to share with you guys what is going on around here. If you want you can add that to your prayers. Prayers for Taylor and I to have peace and strength while being here on earth without Mamie and prayers that God will bless us with another precious baby. We know it will happen.
I have been meaning to show yall this awesome gift Jayna and Matthew gave us for Christmas. They have one of Owen at their house that I saw. Jayna was trying to be sneaky but when I kept insisting on getting the company's name that makes them she had to tell me that they were ordering us one for Christmas. It is a granite slab with her picture lasered on it. Pretty cool. If you are interested in getting one for a friend or yourself here is the link.
I hope you all have a blessed day.
- Sarah


  1. I will keep you and Taylor in my thoughts and prayers, and you're right. It is all in His hands. A tough concept to accept sometimes, but once we do, what peace we find in our hearts and souls!!

    Jayna did good with granite photo!

    Love you!

  2. Sarah-
    You are forever in my heart and prayers. I hope this year the Lord overwhelms you with blessings!
    - Evelyn

  3. Sarah,

    I just wanted you to know that I've been praying for y'all, and I definitely will continue to pray that the Lord blesses you with another baby soon!! You are such an amazing example of strength... the Lord is definitely using you to encourage others!

    Lauren (Daniels)

  4. Praying for you like always! Love your strength, and I know the Lord has awesome plans in store for you! Just leave it ALL in His hands!
    Sarah Stegall

  5. we will pray for yall!!!!

    im the same way about the drugs and stuff. i've read alot of fertility books too. i think they are so interesting. im using them for birth control.

    thats awesome about the accupuncturist. its great that you are open to that. there is also a great book "The Makers Diet" (not really a diet) but the authors wife had an easy time getting pregnant and a good pregnancy following her husbands diet. she had a hard time getting pregnant. its just interesting if nothing else.

    im sure you already know about this one but one favorite is "Taking charge of your fertility".

    anyway. might be useless info....but we will be praying for ya!


  6. Sarah, I can't imagine the daily struggles you continue to go through. You are so right, EVERYTHING is in God's hands. If only we knew His plans, things would be so much easier. I pray that God will continue to calm your fears for the future, grant you the patience needed for the journey ahead, and to heal the hole in your heart as you continue to mourn sweet Mamie. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. And like I always say, I know God has great plans for you and Taylor, I just wish I knew WHEN. I long to see joy in your lives again. Love you, Jayna

    P.S. The plate is actually from a company called Ozark Plateau Inc in MO. Just had to give good old Tom some credit! I have the info if anyone is interested:)

  7. sarah,

    you are in my prayers daily!! i trust that the Lord is going to provide great things for you and taylor. i will pray for patience as you wait on God's perfect timing. continue to seek Him in each are an amazing example to all of us. i am proud of you, sarah! let's talk soon!

    much love,
    julie scarborough

  8. Hi Sarah!! Wow, I miss you so much and want you to know that I think about you guys and Mamie everyday. I am praying alongside you that God will bless you with a second pregnancy real deserve it!


  9. Sarah ~ What a sweet sweet gift.

    Thank you for sharing where you are. I know it's not always easy. I will be praying for you as you start trying again to get pregnant. So many emotions on top of everything else. May you feel GOD's arms around you tightly!

  10. Sarah,

    You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I know that God has something special in store for you and Taylor. You are a wonderful example and friend to so many.

    Loves- Lauren M

  11. I love that Christmas present...good job Jayna! As always you and Taylor are in my prayers. And don't ever apologize for rambling...that's what this blog is for, to get your thoughts and words out however you can. Love you and miss you so much. seb


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