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Back from NYC!

We had a lot of fun in NY. We did ALOT of walking around the city and it was FREEZING cold. Friday after I meet Taylor at the airport we went to the hotel to check in. We dropped our bags and headed to Carnegie Deli for one of their famous sandwiches. We knew they must be good when we got there and the line was out the door. Yall wouldn't believe how big out sandwiches were. It was amazing and I totally forgot to get a picture of them. After our late lunch we headed out to walk on the streets. We ended up walking to Time Square. People where everywhere. And the smells were totally getting to me. We decided to get back to our hotel in time to rest a bit before we headed out for the Lion King. As soon as we walked in the door I crashed on the bed. I felt SO sick. It was really bad. I fell asleep for about an hour and then somehow managed to get dressed to go to the play. I was so mad that I was sick. The Lion King was absolutely amazing. If any of you go to NY you have to go see it. The costumes are so cool. It truly was one of my favorite that I have seen. Saturday I woke up still sick. Taylor started searching for a Babies R Us to go grab some preggie pops. I really wasn't sure if they would work by they really helped with my nausea. We decided to try out the subway and head down to Wall Street. We walked around that area for the morning and saw where the World Trade Center use to be. We then caught a cab to Little Italy for some YUMMY pizza from Roy's Famous Pizza. Man was it good. I for sure had my appetite back :) Saturday night Taylor took me to the Palm for a nice dinner. It was a really neat place. There were cartoon drawings of famous people all over the walls. Supposedly back when the place opened cartoonist would come to eat but couldn't afford to pay so they did a trade for drawing on the walls. Pretty cool! We decided to walk our dinner of and so we walked back to the hotel. It started snowing halfway through our walk. It was so romantic. Everyone was really excited because that was the first snow for them. I hoped to wake the next morning to a winter wonderland but that didn't happen at all. We had a great time, oh we did go see the huge tree in Rockefeller Plaza and went to a few maternity stores. I don't think I will ever want to go back during the Christmas season. It was an absolute mad house. Here are some pics we took on the trip. -Sarah


  1. Love the Kitty pic! You got so many cute pics of the 2 of you. You should use one for your Christmas Card!

  2. Glad you had fun Sarah! I heart NY!


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