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Catching up

The past couple of weeks have really been great with Winnie and Burke. Everyday I am reminded how blessed I am to have all three of my precious babies.

A few weeks back Burke decided he was going to crawl out of his baby bed. It was pretty interesting and yet a little bit scary. With slate floors we worried that he might fall and break something. The little booger was doing this with his sleep sac on. He is a master escape artist. We decided it was time to just play it safe and get him a big boy bed. Thank you Amanda for hooking us up with the adorable twin bed. The same week he also decided he wanted to use the potty. We were all for this. It just was a lot of change in one week. Fast forward to today we are still working on the potty training. He is really getting the hang of it. The big boy bed took some adjusting. By adjusting I mean at times him screaming at the door saying " I don't likey" to sneaking out of his room and sleeping on the hall floor. Oh and one time we found him in his closet. Me typing this also reminds me of something else funny he does. When he comes out of his room he opens the door really quietly , peeks out, sometimes closes it then opens it quietly again. Then he will walk out quietly and close it behind him and then just stand there. He is like a little ghost. Sometimes at night if I am up feeding Winnie I will hear him and call his name but he doesn't answer. It kind of scares me to tell you the truth. Then you will hear ... Swish swish swish. Here he comes down the hall in his sleep sac. Got to love it. As much as I hate him getting up during nap or the night it makes me giggle.

Burke has also just recently taken a liking to golf. Wait let me restate that. Burke has taken a HUGE liking to golf. The child is a little obsessed. First thing in the morning he has his plastic clubs and ball out whacking them down the hall. Taylor has taken him to the driving range a few times, and he thinks he is big stuff.  He makes my heart swell with love.

Now before I move on to Winnie I have to tell you how sweet Burkie is to his baby sis. He loves her so so very much. Ever morning when we go to get her up he runs as fast as he can to her room. He climbs up on her crib and with the sweetest smile on his face he say " Good morning baby Winnie sweet angel." Y'all it is the most beautiful thing seeing them interact. Her eyes light up every time she sees him and if she hears his voice she starts searching all around to find him. Burke and I were talking the other day. He is really trying to grasp the I am his mommy, Taylor is his daddy, Winnie's is his baby sis and Mamie is his big sis in heaven. Lately he has been saying Mamie's an angel and lives in heaven. And I will say yes she is. He will then say she crying.... I can't tell if he is asking me or telling me. If I ask he starts talking about something else. Who knows.

We have also been playing a lot in Mamie's garden. Burke loves to go out there and help us pull weeds or pick up tree limbs. He is such a big helper. He also likes to run around with Silas and Abe out there. The plants have grown a ton most of them are as tall if not taller than Abe and Burke so it is a fun adventure.

Winnie is such a little doll baby. For her to be as fussy as she was a few months back she is the happiest little nugget. I say little nugget still because she is such a little petite thing. She is 5 mths and there are a few 0-3 that she is still wearing. She is such a talker too now and pretty loud. I can actually hear her jabbering in her bed right now. When you talk to her she gets this huge open smile and kind of crinkles up her nose.  I love it.  She is totally different from how Burke was.  He was such a solemn little guy when he was her age.  We would try and try to get a smile out of him. ;)

Winnie really wants to be big, you can already tell.   She watches Burke and her cousins where ever they go.  She wants to sit up and loves for you to stand her up.  The rolling thing doesn't seem to be one of her favorite things to do.  She is really good about rolling from her back to her stomach but flipping back over just makes her mad.  I mean really MAD :)  She gets so frustrated.  Mom and dad said that makes them think of me when I was little and I would say "Okay fine!" and slam the door.  Whatever :) She will never act like that :)

Sleeping is another story.  We have a good night and then a lot of bad nights.  I don't know what it is. We have started putting her on her tummy to sleep and she seems to really like that.  We tried the cry out thing which was so much easier with Burke.  It took 2 nights with him and we were all good.  She screams and screams for close to an  hour and man is she loud.  I am so worried she is going to wake up Burke and then we have 2 little ones awake.  I think that this week I am going to try it again.  I need some sleep and this getting up ever couple of hours is killing me.  She loses her paci and then gets frustrated because she can't get it back in her mouth.  She just isn't quite there when it comes to that kind of coordination.  I know this will pass, and I won't even remember it which is why I love to journal about all this so I can look back and remember :)

To sum it all up life is pretty great right now.  We are all happy and healthy and busier than ever.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Sarah


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