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28 and 29th week

I have been so bad at blogging. Things have been going great. I am growing which means Mamie is growing :) I have been super busy with work which I love and really is making the days fly by. I have photographed tons of babies which I love. A week from last Thursday I started feeling really bad. The pollen has been so bad this year and man it hit me hard. I am back to normal now. YEA. Taylor is getting hit now with his allergies. Hopefully he will get over it much quicker than I did. I think with all this rain the pollen should be gone. YAHOOOOOO!!!!! Lets see what else has been going on. We have been busy getting the nursery ready. Mom and I picked up the crib last week and Taylor and I spent Friday night putting it together. I washed all of her bedding and got it all on the bed. I have to walk in her room every day. It just makes me smile because before long she will be in there. Kris, the lady that is doing the drapes picked up all the fabric last week as well. I can't wait for those to get ready. They are going to be SO cute. This week the chandelier and her rug came in. :) Now I need to think about art for the walls. I still for sure want a tree painted behind the crib. We will work on that later. The neighbors had a crawfish boil the other night and it was SO much fun. We have such a great group of totally laid back people in our neighborhood. We all hung out and the kids played. I can't wait for Mamie to be here so we can take her to this stuff. Tuesday was a really big day :) Jyl did a 4D ultrasound for us. Mom, Brit, Silas, Taylor and I were the only ones that could make it but that's okay because we have a DVD of the whole thing. We were so excited. Mamie has been so active I was just hoping she would do good. Nope, she slept and slept and slept. I drank a diet Dr. Thunder to see if it would make her move and she did move her little mouth a bit and smiled. It was so cute. I called Jayna afterward and told her it didn't surprise me that little Owen Weber was showing out in his 4D. He sucked his thumb and was blinking his eyes. Typical Weber ;) Mamie was being shy I guess. We did get some great face shots and gosh it was so amazing. Seeing that little baby in there ah........ She is around 3lbs. 3oz. now. Such a big girl :) Jyl also confirmed that she is nice and comfy on my right side. Her feet and hands are right there at my ribs. Last night Mamie started moving around so much my belly was doing all kinds of crazy things. It was amazing. She woke me up in the night as well. Little booger :) Well that is about it around here. I have a really big weekend. Friday I have a wedding in Hot Springs and Saturday I have a wedding in LR. Both are around 8hrs. I am excited and really glad I have such great girls working for me. I know they will really help me out these last couple of months. Here is what baby center sent me for the 28th and 29th week of what baby is doing. Hello, Sarah! 28 Weeks By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you. >>Read more about this week Hello, Sarah! 29 Weeks Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester. >> Read more about this week -Sarah


  1. Sarah, this is amazing. I am so touched by your words, M's room and those incredible 4D images of her. Oh my gosh. Amazing! I am thinking of you and giving you a squeeze from afar!


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