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26 Weeks

This past weekend was kind of crazy.  I headed out for a lovely walk with the dogs Friday morning at Two Rivers.  It is flat and I can let the dogs off their leases to run.  Well about half way into the walk I started to really hurt.  I decided maybe I should turn around and head back.  The pain got worse.  I had to sit down and kind of curl up in a ball.  What the heck was going on.  I got up and made it back and laid back in my car for a while.  I really thought I was about to throw up everywhere.  Well, when I got home Britney told me I needed to call my doctor.  So I did and he told me to rest and if I was still in pain to come in.  I took a warm bath and drank tons of water which made me feel much better but not normal.  Taylor headed out of town and I spent the weekend here with Alyson (girls weekend :)  The whole weekend I just didn't feel right.  My back was KILLING me.  I felt crampy and Mamie didn't move but a few times which was so not normal.  I really started feeling like something might be wrong.  Taylor rolled in Sunday afternoon and while we were eating lunch Britney came up.  I started telling them how I just didn't feel right and I was worried and then............... I totally lost it.  We called the doctor and they told us to go to labor and delivery just to be on the safe side.  WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We all jump in the car and off we go.  Yall I can't even begin to tell you the thoughts that were going through my head.  We get to St. Vincent's ER and I walk up to the counter and told the ladies that I need to go to labor & delivery.  They started shuffling around and saying "Oh my goodness are you in labor!"  I was so embarrassed.  I tried to calm them down and told them that I just needed to be checked out.  They wheeled..........Oh yes! WHEELED me in a wheel chair up to labor & delivery.  I had my little entourage walking behind me.  Mom and Dad had come up as well.  They say they just wanted me and the father in the room right now.  Taylor got a little confused because he thought they were talking about my dad :)  Hello Daddy Tay!  They had me put on a gown and get in bed.  The first thing they did was get a monitor on Mamie.  I was so nervous but then we heard lots of banging and then her little heart beat.  The nurse was very pleased and said she was very active in there.  They said she had probably turned and her back was against my belly and she was facing my back.  NO WONDER my back was killing me.  She had been kicking my backbone all weekend.  They also monitored me for contractions which Hallelujah I had NONE!  The nurses were so nice and told me it was very smart of us to come in.  It was so nice having all my family there.  That meant so much to me!  So all is good in the hood here with me and Mamie.  She decided to move around last night.  I really think she heard her daddy and decided to move.  She also decided to start kicking me in my ribs last night.  It made me so happy to feel her again even though that kind of hurt :).  I am feeling much better.  They want me to take it easy until I meet with my doctor again which is tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will have my glucose test and another ultrasound.  I can't wait to see that little nugget.  I will give an update tomorrow hopefully oh and we will so get on a belly picture this week.  

Here is what baby center sent us this week. Only 98 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, Sarah!

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put onbaby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take two to three days.

>> Read more about this week


  1. Sarah, that just made me so nervous reading that at first. Thank goodness everything is all right! Thinking of you!


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