We have had a crazy past couple of weeks. First off Burke bit his lip about a month ago. The spot puffed out and hasn't gone away. We went to see the doctor and he sent us over to the ENT. We found out there that sometime this kind of trauma to the lip can cause a small cyst to form. She said it isn't going to hurt him it could just bother him which I know it does because he always has his hands in his mouth messing with it. We decided to give it a few months to see if it will go away by itself. If it doesn't they will have to put him under to cut it off and put a few stitches in. I hate to think he would have to go under. I mean I know parents have to do it all the time but for something so small that isn't hurting I just don't know.
She then looked in his ears and informed me that he was in the early stages of an ear infection. REALLY! Geez. We started him that day on an antibiotic. We made it through the weekend and the following Tuesday (last Tuesday) he started running a very high fever. He was so needy and just wanted to lay on me. Wednesday I took him back to the doctor were we were told that his ears were good and that this was probably a fever virus and that we had to let it run it's course. That night at about 11pm he woke up screaming. I ran in and picked him up. Y'all he was so hot he felt like he was about to explode. I stripped him down, got him some ibuprofen and a cool wash cloth. Poor little guy he just laid on me and whimpered. I was up with him till about 3am trying to get his fever down. Taylor had taken a benadryl and was NO help at all. :) I finally was able to put him back in his bed and we all got a little bit of sleep. Since then his fever has gone down and as of Friday he was back to normal.
But wait... this morning Taylor let me sleep in and he got up with Burke. Before I new it he was running in the room telling me that Burke was covered in red bumps. Y'all they are from head to toe on this poor child. We called medical exchange and they said that this could be the final reaction to the fever virus and it shouldn't last longer that 72hrs. I was relieved to hear that and seeing that he is acting totally fine and they aren't bothering him.
Anyway I am ready for my little man to be back to normal. I will keep you posted on the spot on his lip. I really hope it goes away on its own.
- Sarah
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