OMG!!!! Tonight I have been sitting at the kitchen table working on my computer and watching some of my shows that I had Tivo. Taylor is in Texarkana at a seminar. I decided to take a pregnancy test just a few days early. My plan was to take one on Friday. I was about to toss it in the trash when I began to see a faint second line. HOLY COW! Am I really seeing this? It began to get darker and darker. I ran shaking and in tears to the phone. Could this FINALLY be true? Crap I couldn't call Taylor and tell him over the phone. Plus he was in the car by now with 2 other people and I know for sure he would have me on speaker phone :) I had to call Britney. Jason answers the phone. I say in a quivery voice, "Is Brit awake?" He says "No but I can wake her up. Is everything okay?" "Yes!" I reply "You're prego, aren't you!" he responds. "No just get Brit on the phone" I said back.
I ended up going down to their house so they could see the stick and tell me for sure if I was or wasn't seeing things. Britney had already pulled out some books for me to take home and read. I couldn't wait for Taylor to get home. I decided to wrap the pregnancy test up and have him open the wonderful little gift :)
We are SO excited and can't wait to tell everyone when the time is right! For know you guys are the only ones we are letting in on our little secret! We decided to name it Poppy Seed Adams until we know what we are having.
As you all know, I am Mamie's mom, and Mamie was my first child. I was pregnant with her from October 2008 to June 25th, 2009 when she was born a sleeping angel (stillborn) two and a half weeks before her due date. Stillbirth and infant death are realities that too many parents face even today. Did you know that each year 1 in 115 babies delivered is stillborn? And 1 in every 102 newborns die before the age of 28 days old? Now, a year after losing Mamie, I have started Mamie's Poppy Plates, my organization providing keepsakes for parents who are not able to take their babies home from the hospital. Because handprints and footprints are something that we cherish as parents of children in Heaven or here on this earth, I wanted to find a beautiful way to preserve such a precious reminder of our babies. Your donation of $13 will provide a plate to bereaved families who are delivering at St. Vincent Hospital. Their baby’s birth stats, hand and footprints will be stampe...
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